• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. E

    Get involved in some research: Undergraduate research project

    Good Afternoon! Firstly I just want to introduce myself: my name is Eleanor Gladman, and I am a student studying Education Studies and Psychology at Nottingham Trent University. With me being in my final year, I am conducting research which will be written up into a dissertation. This study...
  2. F

    Breaking the Chains of Diabetes: A study for people with diabetes [STUDY]

    Hi, My name is Fiona McPherson, and I am leading a PhD study called Breaking the Chains of Diabetes: A study on diabetes patients’ consensus on the need for and kind of physical, psychological and social support to enhance self-management. Are you 18 years old or over? Have you been diagnosed...
  3. S

    Type 1 Diabetes and Sleep study for dissertation!!

    Hello! My name is Shivani and I am a MSc Health Psychology student from De Montfort University posting to advertise for my dissertation study regarding experiences of sleep in adults with type 1 diabetes. I am looking for volunteers to complete a sleep diary and participate in an online...
  4. N

    Research project which needs your opinion!!

    Hi everyone, I am Natalie Mak, a 4th year student dietitian currently studying in Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. I am conducting my final year research project on investigating patient’s views on the use of audio and video recording in dietetic consultations. I would be grateful if you...
  5. PrincessPea21

    Diabetes at Univeristy

    I have been T1 for a while, all through school with little trouble, but have found university to be very stressing on my diabetes. I've developed anxiety surrounding my levels and injecting as well as anxiety about commuting to university (what if i have a hypo etc), and when i speak to someone...
  6. Faryal Baig

    Could Uni students with Type 1 Diabetes please help!

    Hello! Hope you all are well. I am a Final Year University student desperate for participants for my dissertation. I need University students that have Type 1 Diabetes who are comfortable with sharing their educational experience with me in a quick interview! If you are interested, please...
  7. A

    Starting University Netball Team

    Hello, I was diagnosed in February with Type 1 Diabetes, and am still learning how to deal with it best in different situations. I recently trialled and got onto the university netball team where I study which I am very happy with. However, I wanted to ask if anyone had any advice to dealing...
  8. E

    Type 1 diabetes at University

    Hi, I am researching the support students with type one diabetes currently receive during their transition to University and how it can be improved. If you can help, live in the UK and are currently a student (or have been in the past few years) please follow the link below and fill out the...
  9. Diabetes UK

    Type 1 diabetes and alcohol

    We've been working with young adults to produce videos about their stories of living with Type 1 diabetes. Today we're sharing Max's story, about a night that didn’t go to plan when he had a hypo, and his friends had no idea he had Type 1 diabetes. Max's Story on Facebook We want to...
  10. C

    My university dissertation!

    Hey everyone! My name is Charlotte and I'm a third year Psychology student in USW. I'm doing my dissertation currently on the factors that influence wellbeing in parents of children with Type 1 Diabetes (I have a 10 year old sister with Type 1). It just takes 5 minutes to fill in my survey and I...
  11. J

    Randomly high blood sugars - please help!

    Recently whilst at University I have begun to wake up with blood glucose levels above 20. Normal correction doses appear to do nothing and I maintain blood sugars above 20 throughout the day. Normally my diabetes is very well controlled with only the odd explainable hypo. Does any one know what...