
  1. D

    Research Opportunity: Self-Compassion Intervention for People with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

    An online, compassion intervention to improve shame, self-criticism, and physical wellbeing in adults with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM; T2DM) What is the aim? My name is Hetashi and I am a Trainee Clinical Psychologist. As part of my research, we are exploring whether a four-week...
  2. I

    Advice on low blood sugar during the night

    Hi Everyone, I'm new here but not new to diabetes! I'm Ivy, 29 years old and type 1 diabetic for 22 years. I have always had relatively well managed diabetes and not had any issues, however, over the last few years this has all seemed to go downhill and to be honest I am really struggling with...
  3. C

    Online Research Study- Participants Needed

    Research Study in T1D! My name is Caitlin Gibb, and I am a postgraduate student in the School of Psychology at the University of Surrey. I am studying for a Clinical doctorate in Psychology, which will allow me to become a qualified psychologist. Part of the doctorate involves a large piece of...
  4. E

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi Everyone :) I'm Ellie, I've had type 1 diabetes for just over 10 years. I wanted to join this group as i recently became vegan, which has had a really positive impact on my diabetes. I am, however, struggling with my morning BG and so am looking for some inspiration of what people eat in the...
  5. A

    Newly diagnosed Type 1 gf, blurry eyes problem?

    Hi everyone my name is Andy, I've been living with Type 2 diabetes for a couple years and managed to just about put it in remission for now, but i have a question regarding my partner? She was admitted into hospital last friday with DKA and is currently being treated as a type 1 diabetic, when...
  6. CarlG

    10 years on insulin now I'm off it Yayyyyyyyyy

    I wanted to share a quick story about myself and some exciting news I had received a couple of weeks ago. I have been diabetic for coming on 10 years in that time I had more Dr & Nurses than I had dinners. ( For some reasons they all leave after 6 months ). Within that time I was told I was...
  7. Damien shinoda

    Help advise need reassuring

    Hi just want to see if anyone has been in the same boat as me.. I have had high blood sugars since a got pain in my top right of mouth in my gums and cheek, saw the dentist earlier ong ago she told there is infection with swelling but no pus or temperature so that's OK. She told me to use...
  8. W

    can’t cope anymore

    hello, I’ve posted a few times now over the years about this same problem which has never got figured out and is getting worse, I am officially at breaking point with my diabetes. Everytime I eat I get sore eyes (which are visibly puffy and red) headaches, overwhelming fatigue, constant yawning...
  9. W


    Hi there, before I start with the symptoms I thought it would be beneficial to put a bit of background. I’m female, 22 and was diagnosed type 1 diabetic 4 years ago when I was 18 after going into ketoacidosis. I have the freestyle libre and Miao Miao, novorapid and tresiba. I have been to my...
  10. S

    Travelling in Thailand in Hot Climate as a Type 1

    Hi, I am hoping to book a 3 week holiday to Thailand in March with my fiance. I have been delaying booking this as I am feeling increasingly anxious about going due to my Diabetes. The temperatures will be in excess of 30 degrees Celsius, most places around 34. I have been on many holidays...