type 3c

  1. MandyAlex

    Recent diagnosis of Type 3 ‘Secondary’ D. Struggling with Persistent Hypo’s.

    Hi. I’m a brand new member currently completely floored by persistent hypo’s, which I’m finding more than a bit scarey. Had half my pancreas removed last December due to a secondary cancer. Have felt gradually more and more unwell since the op and am finding now that no matter what I do (eg by...
  2. P

    Another Creonista

    Hi Guys Am currently on KATIE (DAFNE) course & have discovered I am actually a T3c. Never knew we had our own tag, surprised, yep! So started with a Whipples in 1985, which resulted from a benign mass. Exit head of pancreas, duodenum & base of stomach. 2 years later developed pancreatic...
  3. Northerner

    Patients at risk over failure to recognize important diabetes subtype

    The health of people with diabetes is being put at risk due to the failure of doctors to recognise which type of diabetes they have, a new study in the journal Diabetes Care reports. In the first ever study of its kind, researchers from the University of Surrey, examined the primary care...