type 2 diabetic

  1. S

    Tirzepatide & Chrons

    My endocrinologist (I have Addison's Disease as well) has suggested Tirzepatide as Liliglipten isn't working for my Type2. He also said it's my last option before Insulin. However, I have multiple chronic medical conditions, including severe bowel issues they currently suspect to be Chrons...
  2. Y

    What to do when exhausted

    Hi type 2 less than a year, so still struggling with life style changes. It seems certain foods knock me out and leave me exhausted the next day. What can I do to raise my energy levels? Coffee, energy drinks, TV!
  3. F

    Ashwagandha and Type 2 Diabetes

    Hi As well as being type 2 diabetic, I have low testosterone levels which has been confirmed by blood tests. My pharmacist did advise that metformin has the effect of erectile disfunction when I first went on it. Funnily enough, all the doctors say they aren't aware of this side effect of...
  4. C

    Type 2 - Starting on Insulin

    Hi. I’ve just picked up my first prescription for insulin - Abasaglar & Humalog. Am type 2 and was on Metformin 1g twice a day, Sitagliptin & Gliclazide. A year after starting the gliclazide my HbA1c was higher than before starting it so got changed to another medication I can’t spell but...
  5. P


    Hi, I am 41, living in London and have Type 2 Diabetes. I was diagnosed a few years ago but have had my medication increased past few months. Am here to participate, learn from the community and hopefully also contribute.
  6. E

    Research participants wanted: Type 2 diabetes in the media

    Hi All, I am a student studying a postgraduate degree in Global Media and Culture at Keele University, and I am currently in the process of conducting research for my dissertation. My dissertation will be centred on type 2 diabetes in news media, so I am looking to recruit approximately seven...
  7. E

    Research participants wanted: Type 2 diabetes in the media

    Hi All, I am a student studying a postgraduate degree in Global Media and Culture at Keele University, and I am currently in the process of conducting research for my dissertation. My dissertation will be centred on type 2 diabetes in news media, so I am looking to recruit approximately seven...