type 1 in adulthood

  1. pondita

    Achey, tired

    Hi all. I've always been fit and active, mostly vegetarian. But since my LADA dx 6 months ago, I've just felt achey and tired. Just a low continuous level hum of headache, hurting joints, etc. Some days are better than others, and I still push myself to stay active and do things. I thought...
  2. U

    Designing to battle the struggles. [QUESTIONNAIRE]-insulin users

    Hi there, I hope you're well. I'm just conducting some research for University in regards to Diabetes of course and was wondering if you had any spare time if you could just complete a simple questionnaire. Your responses will remain anonymous and you will not have to enter any details. It...
  3. Diabetes UK

    T1 adult, misdiagnosed as T2?

    I'm sure that this is not a new subject to the forum. Diabetes UK want to learn more about the issue and would like to hear from people who were misdiagnosed as an adult. We’re keen to hear from people who were diagnosed with Type 1 as an adult, following a misdiagnosis of Type 2 diabetes...
  4. F

    Ongoing diagnosis confusion- may be T1 may be T2

    Hi all, I've been diagnosed with "some" form of diabetes - I presented all the classic symptoms in October; 8kg of weight loss, thirst, tiredness and eventually blurred vision. My GP measured my MMOL which was 26.2 at the time and his hunch was that I was type 2. Thanks to Metformin I have...
  5. S

    Newly Diagonosed Type 1.

    Hi, I'm Sammie. I am 24 years old and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on the 1st December 2016. I still cannot get my head around it all still. I am on humilin I, Nova Rapid and Metformin. I feel like a walking pharmacy now when I go out! :cool: Over the past few weeks I have found out so...
  6. Diabetes UK

    Type 1 Adult Events this month!

    We have two events coming up this month with spaces available! They're relaxed and informal one day events in central Manchester and Peterborough for adults 18+ with Type 1 diabetes. Through a mix of group discussions, hands-on workshops and time with healthcare professionals you’ll get...
  7. type1bri

    Old hand but new here

    Evening everybody My name is Brian, Type 1 diabetic. Medtronic 640g insulin pumper, previously on Lantus, then Levemir, and always Novorapid. Very active on the DOC but new to this forum. I am involved in arranging and running the T1D London meetups group on Facebook. Also run my own website...
  8. D

    What's the hardest part of being a PWD?

    Hi All, I'm appearing on local TV tomorrow night as part of a panel show on local news. I'm going to be talking about Diabetes (I'm a T1) and one of the questions I'm due to be asked is "what's the hardest part about having Diabetes?" It's not a question I've asked myself before, I could talk...
  9. B

    My partner was diagnosed with type 1 in less than 24 hours

    Hello all, Hope you are having a good Monday. My partner was diagnosed with type 1 on Friday and whilst he is coping amazingly so far considering, it is a huge amount to take in. I don't think the shock has set in and I am worried for him when it does. Currently he seems to be coping better...