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  1. ellietj

    Omnipod user for 2 years and I've felt unwell since then. Could it be Fiasp?

    I've been Type 1 since 1970, reasonably well controlled so I'm still youthful and active and otherwise healthy. I moved onto an Omnipod with Freestyle ** Libre 2 years ago, at exactly the same time as my husband and I separated. The marriage hadn't been good for a long time, so in many ways it...
  2. T

    Covid19, covid vaccine and type 1 diabetes

    Hi, Im new to the forum but have been a type 1 diabetic for about 17 years now and have developed boat loads of problems mainly after covid and vaccine, now have extreme tiredness, maculopathy, msk issues relating to my neck and also waiting for treatment for frozen shoulder which came on 7...
  3. s14ali

    Will ketone stay high if the blood glucose is normal?

    Hello, Firstly, I briefly saw some posts about Ketone but cannot find the answers what I need to know. My blood sugar was staying high between 9mmol/L and 11-12mmol/L for almost one week. I've increased the insulin dosage but it didn't work then it went back to normal in three days ago but I...
  4. s14ali

    What is the possibly remedy for the tiredness/fatigue even if blood glucose level is fine?

    I have type 1 diabetes and can keep my blood glucose levels between 6 and 8 mmol/L throughout the day. However, I am unsure why I feel tired if it wasn't high or low. I cannot focus on things and feel fairly sleepy for an hour or two hours then back to normal. It might be a lack of carbohydrate...
  5. pondita

    Achey, tired

    Hi all. I've always been fit and active, mostly vegetarian. But since my LADA dx 6 months ago, I've just felt achey and tired. Just a low continuous level hum of headache, hurting joints, etc. Some days are better than others, and I still push myself to stay active and do things. I thought...
  6. M


    Hi I was diagnosed with Type 2 last September and I am taking SR Metformin. I have lost a bit of weight since diagnosis and exercise regularly anyway. This week I have felt so tired and just wondering if it could be that my blood sugar levels are high. I am not due a blood test until end of...
  7. AnnaC91

    Symptoms of diabetes?

    i had gestational diabetes with my son for the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy. I had him 3 weeks ago. I am now concerned that I may have diabetes as I have had a few symptoms.. I have lost weight unintentionally, I’ve lost 8.4 kg which is around 1 stone 4lbs since having my son 3 weeks ago. I have...
  8. Weezy

    Newly diagnosed....

    Hi all. My name is Louise and I've just been diagnosed as type 2. I'm seeing a diabetes nurse on Monday and have been told to write a list of questions for her. I'm having so many symptoms and they're really bothering me. Does anyone else get numb thighs/legs/feet? Racing heart...
  9. S

    Tiredness...Help Please

    Hello! I have been Diabetic for over 12 years now and my sugar control has dramatically improved since going on an insulin pump last year. This is great and I thought it would reduce my daily tiredness battle.... but it hasn't and I feel lethargic throughout the day on a regular basis. I have...
  10. Ralph-YK

    {*stays in bed all day*}

    {*Thinking about cake, just feeling tired and it's ...*}