
  1. R

    Brain Fog - High for a long time now more normal ranges

    Hi there, Does anyone know if experiencing fatigue and brain fog is normal if you've had high blood sugar for a prolonged (months/weeks) hyper and then return to more normal levels? I wasn't aware I was so out of range but was made aware during latest tests and have taken steps to correct this...
  2. flowerbloom

    How to recharge....

    Hello, Whilst I have had type one for four years now I feel as though I should have this in the bag, so to speak, however there are times when the whole thing tires me out. I am pretty sure many of you will be able to relate? My question - what do you do to simplify things? How do you...
  3. robert@fm

    Tired of waiting...

    I couldn't sleep last night, so I was up all night playing games on Pogo. :( Then, finally, when my carer came and gave me my breakfast, I was finally ready to sleep -- but remembered that I had to wait up for the district nurse to come and give me my insulin shot. She normally turns up at...
  4. PhoebeC

    Coughing none stop

    Alarm set for 6am and I am still awake. Had the dreaded lurgy all week coughing, sneezing and sore throat. Been in bed or lazing about all weekend :( husband has it too. Blood sugars all over the shop which is not helping. Can’t spot the hypos as most of the symptoms are masked by this...
  5. Weezy

    Newly diagnosed....

    Hi all. My name is Louise and I've just been diagnosed as type 2. I'm seeing a diabetes nurse on Monday and have been told to write a list of questions for her. I'm having so many symptoms and they're really bothering me. Does anyone else get numb thighs/legs/feet? Racing heart...
  6. Ralph-YK

    {*stays in bed all day*}

    {*Thinking about cake, just feeling tired and it's ...*}