
  1. R

    Hello from a Newbie

    Hi Everyone, I am newly registered here. I am awaiting confirmation of the type of diabetes that I have, although it is thought that I will most likely be Type 1 due to a strong family history. I am feeling pretty dreadful at the moment, I have an incredible thirst which I cannot seem to cure...
  2. Christine Ronan

    Medication, Medication, Medication!!!!

    Please help, I've been a type 2 for 10 years now and managed it well on Metformin 1000mg twice a day and as well as I could manage by diet too, until Christmas this year, when my levels weren't coming down. Doctors put me on Sitagliptin 100mg in addition to Metformin, I didn't have any issues...
  3. B

    Sure I have type 2

    Over the last few months I have been losing weight, and after a bottle of my home brew wine which is full of sugar I had the classic symptoms of thirst and getting up in the night several times to go to the toilet. However since then the symptoms have gone, perhaps the weight loss has helped. I...
  4. C

    Test advice please

    Hi, I've been ill for 8 years with chronic tiredness, brain fog, excessive thirst/ urinating and urinating. I have had lots of tests for Diabetes that came back normal. I finally asked for a fasting glocouse tolerance test. This involved fasting for 12 hrs. Then in the morning I had a blood...