• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. Chris Hobson

    Abba Voyage.

    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Arthur C Clarke. I don't know the context of this quote. When I first heard it I imagined demonstrating a microwave oven to a 1930s housewife and imagining what her reaction might be. Having always had a fascination with...
  2. Chris Hobson

    Yesterday's Sci-fi is today's reality.

    I'm always amazed by technology. My wife doesn't like dolls. In Japan they now have hotels that have androids as receptionists. In the unlikely event that we ever visit one of these hotels it looks as though I will have to deal with checking in. Me, so excited that things that were only in books...
  3. D

    Participate in an anonymous questionnaire about driving with diabetes! (~3 mins)

    Hello everyone! I would really appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes to fill out this questionnaire on driving with type one diabetes. The aim of these responses is to gauge how diabetics find driving; how technology is used to check blood sugars whilst driving; how hypos...
  4. R

    Looking for people to interview about at-home kidney screening and health technology

    Hello! We are researchers from Imperial College London looking for people to interview for a healthcare-related study. The purpose of the research is to understand how, as a person with diabetes and/or high blood pressure, you manage your health, and your thoughts on the increasing use of...
  5. B

    Diabetes Device Fatigue: Facts and Fixes

  6. ColinUK

    Apps - what’s your fav for logging results and monitoring?

    I make no apology for being an information sponge right now! Another question is about apps. I already use the Apple health app to record stats so I’ve update it to record BG levels too but the question is more about the specific BG apps like: Glucose Buddy One Drop and the others. Is there...
  7. Chris Hobson

    In praise of sports technology.

    In praise of sports technology. As a kid growing up in the nineteen seventies I can remember the speculation that went on about all the wonderful technology would be part of everyday life in the year 2,000. We never did get our flying cars or our domed cities on the Moon and on Mars. I do...
  8. R

    Volunteers needed for a focus group meeting- University of Warwick, Coventry

    Hello everyone, This is a request to interview a group of diabetic patients in the community for a Masters level project at the University of Warwick titled 'Responsibility of innovation and its adoption in the NHS'. I am aiming to conduct a focus group meeting so as to bring to light, the...
  9. Lucie Mugridge

    Do you want to better manage your type 2 diabetes?`

    At the University of Bedfordshire we are running a a research project looking at the feasibility of a mobile phone application to reduce sitting time and improve glucose control in type 2 diabetes. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in then please do get in contact for further...
  10. N Lucas

    A short survey about health app adoption - and help out a medical student project!

    Hi there! My name is Nicholas, and along with a group of 4th year medical students, are currently undertaking a final course project. This project aims to look into the factors which affect acceptance and adoption of healthcare applications (apps). Through our research, we hope to identify the...
  11. Northerner

    NHS turning to tech to help dementia sufferers live at home for longer

    The NHS has teamed up with leading technology companies in a series of nationwide trials to study how connected devices may be able to benefit older patients and those suffering from dementia, diabetes and mental illness. Different combinations of connected technology will be employed in seven...