
  1. George D.

    Help with research study - time and travel expenses reimbursed!

    Hello everyone! We are a research team from the University of Southampton developing an intervention to help people due to have cardiac surgery better manage their diabetes. To run the study successfully, we would like to hear the views of people who have diabetes and/or have had cardiac...
  2. A

    Hba1c and surgery dilemma

    Hello everyone, my name is Abdul koyes and I've been type 2 diabetic 10yrs. So I started eating healthy and exercising and to be honest I was as fit as ever. Early last year my left knee started to hurt so gave up running and as chef who spends 10hours a day, 6 days a week I couldn't risk...
  3. NinAA

    Hba1c Newbie

    Hello!! I'm new on here and I'm sorry if I jumped in some thread. I'm looking for some help about Hba1c and surgery. I had my breast surgery cancelled due to a high (very high) Hba1c result almost 3 moths ago.Since then my diabetic clinic switch my humalog to Novorapid and Tresiba and I...
  4. L

    Surgery for Type 1 Diabetes?

    In the waiting room for my last Diabetes check-up (where I discovered my most recent Hba1c was the best in my whole Diabetic life - hurray insulin pump!) I picked up a Type 1 magazine and briefly read that a survey had been conducted and said that 60% of Type 1's would rather inject than use an...
  5. J

    Gangrenous & Perforated Appendix removal but high persistent sugar post surgery

    Hi, I'm type 1 since 1996, insulin pump 2013. I had my appendix removed 2 weeks ago after suffering with symptoms for 5 days before a doctor took me seriously. They performed an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy and found my appendix was gangrenous and perforated and was spilling into my...
  6. Ralph-YK

    Different GP practice

    I've changed GP practice. Put the form in week ago last Friday. Got to see the diabetic nurse (practice nurse, had been Diabetic Specialist Nurse before) last Friday. I'm optimistic. Of course we didn't have time for everything. I think she'd have been less supportive of self testing. Except...