
  1. T

    I miss Spike!!! How can I get BS on watch?

    I miss Spike on my watch so much! It let me achieve brilliant control for first pregnancy and I just don’t know how I can do it for a second pregnancy without Spike’s alarms. I’ve been on Dexcom for most of a year but finding the Shuggah app useless. I’m back on Libre1 for about 50 days so will...
  2. Hobbit

    Unexpected spike in blood sugar - could it be my medication?

    I am on insulin (Novorapid + Levemir) and my diabetes is well controlled. Two weeks ago I was prescribed 5mg Amlodipine daily to bring my blood pressure back to normal. I've suffered no obvious side effects, and it appeared to have no effect on my diabetes. Today I took my reading as normal...
  3. W

    simple spike avoidance diet. burnt out

    i'm type 1 for 15 years plus. i want a simple carb i can use for all meals that is low gi. at present i eat 100% rye bread, oats uncooked, or brown basmati rice. brown basmati gives me spikes i think. have beginnings of retinopathy so wondering if there is a simple diet. a boring diet. that...
  4. Sprogladite

    Continuous spikes after breakfast

    Hi all, I have been T1 for 21 years and have struggled in the past to keep my sugars under control. Over the last 2 years my control has improved a lot (hba1c has gone for 248 to 139). However, one thing that has never improved is the fact that after eating breakfast (plain cornflakes) I will...
  5. Sally Turner

    plummeting lows, outrageous spikes

    Hi all Having woken up at 6.30am this morning to a reading of 15.6 (I'm Type 2 but insulin dependent), I took 60 units of Levemir and 32 Novorapid. I then dropped to 8.1 and then still further to 7.2. I had lunch at 12.50pm which was a Boots sub with chicken and bacon and a pack of McCoys (high...