
  1. M

    Risk of gestational diabetes

    Hi everyone, I'm after a little advice. I had GD with my first baby, diagnosed fairly late at 33 weeks due to constantly measuring large. Never had any sugars in the urine dip tests. I wasn't particularly good at diet management then so ended up on metformin and had all my birth choices made...
  2. H


    I am a newly diagnosed type 1, about 1.5 months. I am on novorapid insulin and levemir insulin (fast acting and background). I'm after some advice on snacking. What and how can I snack without it changing my blood sugar levels too much? Do snacks always have to be under 10g of carbs or can I...
  3. K

    Newly diagnosed four year old

    Hi all, my little boy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on Monday and we are now back home after a few days in hospital. Luckily we seem to have got there fairly early on, before he got poorly, and we are now faced with a future of blood testing and insulin injections. He is being a bit of a...