
  1. L

    Looking for Study Participants

    Hello all. Posted this a few weeks ago, however I’m still looking for a few more participants. Hoping this might be seen by anyone who missed it last time! I am a MSc Health Psychology student currently researching sleeping interventions for Type 2 Diabetics. I am hoping to recruit...
  2. L

    Type II Participants Needed for Sleep Intervention Study

    Hello all. I am a MSc Health Psychology student currently researching sleeping interventions for Type 2 Diabetics. I am hoping to recruit participants from the UK who are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and have experienced regular issues around sleeping. The study will involve an online...
  3. T

    Type 1 research - how does sleep, physical activity, and sitting affect type 1 diabetes

    The University of Strathclyde is investigating how sleep sitting and physical activity affect type 1 diabetes! Find out more about the study and take part by scanning the QR code or clicking the link below if you are: An adolescent with type 1 diabetes (aged 11 - 18) A parent/caregiver of...
  4. SiobhanLaing

    Type 1 research - The influence of exercise time on sleep quality in type 1 diabetes

    Hello! We currently looking for participants to get involved with our research which looks at the influence of exercise time on sleep quality in type 1 diabetes. Are you interested in understanding exercise timing impacts your sleep quality and glucose control? All participant will receive: A...
  5. F

    Effectively managing hypos

    I bought a FreeStyle Libre this week and have been using it several times a day. I compared it with my blood glucose monitor readings and found it to be off by between 1-2.6 mmol/L each time which is a lot more than I expected. The sensor is on my arm as recommended. I was hoping to pair this...
  6. robert@fm

    Tired of waiting...

    I couldn't sleep last night, so I was up all night playing games on Pogo. :( Then, finally, when my carer came and gave me my breakfast, I was finally ready to sleep -- but remembered that I had to wait up for the district nurse to come and give me my insulin shot. She normally turns up at...
  7. Northerner

    The one change you can make to help your insomnia, according to science

    Most of us have struggled to sleep at some point, and it can have a major impact on our waking lives as we roam around like zombies. So, when someone says there may be one quick change you can make to help you travel to the land of nod, you are going to take it. And when it comes backed by...
  8. Northerner

    Can't sleep? Could be down to genetics

    Researchers have identified specific genes that may trigger the development of sleep problems, and have also demonstrated a genetic link between insomnia and psychiatric disorders such as depression, or physical conditions such as type 2 diabetes. The study in the journal Molecular Psychiatry...
  9. PhoebeC

    Coughing none stop

    Alarm set for 6am and I am still awake. Had the dreaded lurgy all week coughing, sneezing and sore throat. Been in bed or lazing about all weekend :( husband has it too. Blood sugars all over the shop which is not helping. Can’t spot the hypos as most of the symptoms are masked by this...
  10. L

    19 and newly diagnosed type 1

    hi everyone! Im 19 was just diagnosed after going into diabetic ketoacidosis on the 4th of February. I'm pretty sad and scared, mainly because before my diagnoses one of my biggest fears was dying in my sleep and now it's a possibility I feel very weighed down a lot of the time. I was wondering...