skin problems

  1. B


    Hi Any of you gents have this problem? I've had it for years and can't get rid of it....seen multiple dermatologists and urologists. Hope someone out there has a solution from experience Thanks Tom
  2. B

    Broken skin on my manhood :(

    Hi! Long time reader, first time poster. Gonna be a long one I'm afraid. I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance as trying to get hold of my Dr for an appointment is next to impossible within the next 3 weeks and even 111 had an extended wait time. I am on Metformin SR and Empagliflozin...
  3. A

    Skin Issues

    Are skin issues common with Type 2 diabetes? I have been having an issue with a rash on my shins. Nurse thinks it may be a reaction to Metformin and has told me to stop taking it for a week. I have been prescribed alogliptin as an alternative. The rash has improved though not cleared and I have...