
  1. M

    Hi all.

    Hello all. I have been type 2 for 4 years and 2 years ago diagnosed t1. I take 2 metformin a day and inject novomix 70/30 twice a day to maintain steady mmol. I struggle to inject in my stomach due to hitting nerves and veins a lot. I also shake a lot which doesn't help me. I'm tempted to...
  2. Christine Ronan

    Medication, Medication, Medication!!!!

    Please help, I've been a type 2 for 10 years now and managed it well on Metformin 1000mg twice a day and as well as I could manage by diet too, until Christmas this year, when my levels weren't coming down. Doctors put me on Sitagliptin 100mg in addition to Metformin, I didn't have any issues...