
  1. M

    Experiences with Dapagliflozin

    Hi, My name's Mikey, just turned 40 and was diagnosed with T2 in September 2022 (with a reading of 106!) Was put on max dosage Metformin, which I didn't react well to so i asked to go on the slow release version which worked better. Had an appointment a couple of weeks ago and hba1c now down to...
  2. Diabetes UK

    Have you ever been prescribed Ertugliflozin?

    Have you, or someone you care for ever been prescribed Ertugliflozin? Diabetes UK have been asked to help input into a forthcoming NICE technology appraisal looking at Ertugliflozin. Ertugliflozin is a SGLT2 inhibitor which works similar to the other medications in the SGLT2 inhibitor family...