
  1. F

    Sensor costs for looping - advice/help

    Hi everyone, I am due a pump upgrade and my nurse wants to put me forward for a hybrid closed-loop system. I am 90% sure I want to go with the Ypsomed pump with CamAPS FX for my next pump. The funding for this would include: - the insulin pump - the consumables e.g. infusion sets - the CamAPS...
  2. V

    New here, needing pump advice

    Hi Everyone, Although I am not new to diabetes (type 1 for 20 years) I am looking for some advice on moving from injection pens to a pump, to help get better control of extreme fluctuations in sugar levels. I have done some initial research and I would prefer a patch pump. I have the option of...
  3. B

    Self funded pump

    Hi All I hope you can help... My NHS trust does not offer pumps to adults, I’ve been very lucky in that the company my dad works for has agreed to fund a pump for me. Has anyone self funded a pump or knows how I go about doing this? Also any recommendations on pumps would be greatly...