
  1. M

    Leaving myself stressed.

    Hi, Currently working with the dietician for the last 7 weeks to get my weight down I’ve went from 105.6kg to 97.3 long way to go yet but getting somewhere! (Using counterweight plus.) anyways.. during the last 2/3 weeks I’ve felt absolutely terrible- tired, fast heart rate, mood swings and...
  2. C

    My university dissertation!

    Hey everyone! My name is Charlotte and I'm a third year Psychology student in USW. I'm doing my dissertation currently on the factors that influence wellbeing in parents of children with Type 1 Diabetes (I have a 10 year old sister with Type 1). It just takes 5 minutes to fill in my survey and I...
  3. Ralph-YK

    HbA1c results, 46

    Got a letter yesterday with my results. 46. Yay they just sent a letter and I didn't have to get onto them. First reading from new practice. I was a bit taken aback. I've wasn't aware I'd had that test. I've been sorting out my prescriptions with the Dr's and had to go in for a review app...
  4. Ralph-YK

    Nurse appointment, HbA1c

    Had appointment with nurse at GPs today. HbA1c is 48. Up from Januray. December 2014: 64 (diagnoses, big infection) March 2015: 55 August 2015: 47 January 2016: 46 The appointment was better than the others, although didn't have time to discuss everything. She actually some things, like...
  5. Ralph-YK

    HbA1c down

    Just got my HbA1c, in a very casual manner. She said it's gone down again, which suggests it's gone down before. I didn't know. It didn't bother the doctor that I did know and needed to ask. This is what I got today. HbA1c December 2014: 64 March 2015: 55 August: 48 January 2016: 47