
  1. L

    Novorapid issues

    Hi, Been noticing lately that my novorapid readings after food have been weird Example reading was 5.5, carb counted my food, took correct dosage (in stomach), 3 hours later it’s 13.5 (using Libre) it seems to be when I inject into my stomach it doesn’t seem to work as well as when I do it...
  2. Bullet1954

    Confused with readings.

    hi all, Male type2 on tablets. Recently had my medication increased and started checking bloods, pre Breakfast, Lunch and Evening meal, then before bed. AM 160mg Gliclazide 2 x 500mg Metformin PM 160mg Gliclazide 2 x 500mg Metformin What is confusing me are readings. E.g.: one night before...
  3. Talbothays Tess

    My meter has arrived. Advice on levels ?

    Hi, I'm a newcomer, just diagnosed pre diabetes ( score 42). I want to keep a check on this, so bought a meter to check my levels. I have read the super post (called test, recheck?) On the site. What sort of levels/spikes etc should I be looking for. I have never been any good with numbers and...