pump eligibility

  1. 1

    My experience getting a pump after 27 years MDI

    Hello, I’m new to posting on the forum and wanted to share my experience of getting a pump. TLDR: after 26 years as a T1 I got a pump without too much hassle. I mentioned wanting a pump to a nurse at my gp surgery (not my diabetic nurse) while having some bloods taken. I was complaining that...
  2. B

    NHS Pump Eligibility with a Low HbA1c

    Hi, I was diagnosed with T1D just over a year ago and have been on MDI since. I'm interested in starting pump therapy but am yet to mention this to my diabetes team (I have a routine appointment in just under a month, I'll mention it then). My A1c is 5.3% and so is not going to get any lower...