pump choice

  1. S

    Closed loop question - Cam APS v Control IQ

    Hi Pumpers, Does anyone have experience of using both of these closed loop systems please? I am potentially switching from one system to the other and I'd be interested to hear a comparison from someone who has used both as to what I might miss and gain in doing so. Thanks
  2. 1

    My experience getting a pump after 27 years MDI

    Hello, I’m new to posting on the forum and wanted to share my experience of getting a pump. TLDR: after 26 years as a T1 I got a pump without too much hassle. I mentioned wanting a pump to a nurse at my gp surgery (not my diabetic nurse) while having some bloods taken. I was complaining that...
  3. P

    Pump Choice Help!

    Hi all Appreciate any advise/anecdotes that can help me choose a pump I am T1, diagnosed for 19 years (how time flies!) and after completing DAFNE last year I have now been allocated funding for a pump from my NHS trust I have been offered the choice of 3 - Ypso, T-Slim and Omnipod - and I...
  4. I

    Switching from Omnipod to T-Slim

    I have used the Omnipod for 5 years now and have mainly had good experiences. I opted for this pump initially because I couldn't bear the idea of a tubed pump. Roll forward to now and I'm 4.5 months into breastfeeding my second baby and I'm finding the blood sugar peaks and troughs really hard...
  5. V

    New here, needing pump advice

    Hi Everyone, Although I am not new to diabetes (type 1 for 20 years) I am looking for some advice on moving from injection pens to a pump, to help get better control of extreme fluctuations in sugar levels. I have done some initial research and I would prefer a patch pump. I have the option of...
  6. B

    Self funded pump

    Hi All I hope you can help... My NHS trust does not offer pumps to adults, I’ve been very lucky in that the company my dad works for has agreed to fund a pump for me. Has anyone self funded a pump or knows how I go about doing this? Also any recommendations on pumps would be greatly...
  7. R

    Combo vs Medtronic. Have I missed anything?

    my second pump is almost due for replacement and for the first time I am being offered a choice. I have up to now used Accuchek: first the Spirit followed by the Combo. Now I have the choice of the Medtronic 640g. I’ve read all the bumpf and seen the pump itself and so far am not persuaded...