• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. Lawra


    Hi everyone, I’m sure someone will be able to help me here ☺️ Basically my husband and I are going to be starting our IVF in the next 2(ish) months and thought about getting an insulin pump started ASAP, so I can make sure that my levels be as perfect as can be. My nurse recommended DANAi pump...
  2. D

    Just moved to the UK, how hard is it going to be to get my pump and libre covered by NHS?

    Hello everyone Just moved to the UK from Soutb Africa and about to go see a GP and hopefully get referred to a diabetic centre. My question is, how hard is it going to be to get covered for all my current medications? I am on Fiasp Insulin 6x cartridges per month, use an older medtronic...
  3. V

    Did anyone else feel like this when starting on a pump? CamAPS/Libre 3/Ypso

    Hello, this is my first time posting on a forum so want to say thanks in advance to any one who replies to this! I’ve had type 1 for 32 years, since the age of 6, and have always been on MDI (lantus and Fiasp for the last few years). I decided to make the leap to a pump back in October 2023 as...
  4. emerson.marini

    Insulin pump and CGM treatments availability in Spain

    Hi all, I’m new to the community but certainly not new to Diabetes - I have been diagnosed with Type 1 whilst still living in Brazil (my home country) back in 1997. I have been on insulin pump treatment (Tandem t:slim X2) and CGM (Dexcom G6) for about 2 years now. All via the NHS. My wife and I...
  5. S

    Malfunction of Pump ?

    Has anyone had a situation where there Pump malfunctioned and gave an unexpected amount of Insulin ?
  6. S

    Pump suggestions.

    First post. Hello everyone I am Paul I have been type 1 for 26 years now and am now 51 and been doing well with fiasp and toujeo but been offered a pump as having some minor problems 3 hours after breakfast. What’s people’s suggestions. ?
  7. T

    Exercise and the Minimed 780g

    Afternoon all, I got my Minimed 780g back in November (Pump only, not closed loop) and I am trying to lose some weight. I have so far lost around a stone and a half but I'm starting to look at increasing my exercise. Previously (before the pump) i've had some awful experiences whilst...
  8. J

    Artificial Intelligence and Diabetes

    I’ve noticed we’ve took a step to relying on AI for our type one needs, being closed loop. However, we need to set the conditions for the AI: the sensitivity factor. Is there any way in the future for AI to micro analyze our bloods and make basal adjustment recommendations on that. So if there...
  9. matthewthomas

    infusion sets

    hi all. when i first got my pump (medtronic 780g) i was given minimed mio advance. every time i inserted them it hurt to the point i had to use the supply of the míos they gave me incase i couldn’t get my order in time. i know the mio’s are not being used anymore and their prolly giving out the...
  10. S

    Pump start diary?

    Dear all I’m due to start on a pump in a couple of weeks. I know a number of regular posters have pumps and are very generous with their own experience but I wondered if people would find a thread/diary on going from mdi to pump and then hopefully looping useful/interesting?
  11. H

    Broke my pump: Help?

  12. B

    NHS Pump Eligibility with a Low HbA1c

    Hi, I was diagnosed with T1D just over a year ago and have been on MDI since. I'm interested in starting pump therapy but am yet to mention this to my diabetes team (I have a routine appointment in just under a month, I'll mention it then). My A1c is 5.3% and so is not going to get any lower...
  13. E

    Feeling alone

    Hi all This is my second pregnancy. I’m about 8 weeks now, so still really early. My last pregnancy saw me signed off work from 7 months after I became unable to cope with the pressures of maintaining low and stable glucose levels whilst working. I did not have the capacity to do both and was...
  14. Paulbreen

    My Meditronic G670 CGM experience

    I am sending back the pump so I thought I would share some of my experience. The pump has completely changed my Diabetic journey, I have gone from 1-2 Hypo events per day to only one in the last 3 months, my time in range has dramatically improved from 30-40% up to more than 90% TIR and my HbA1c...
  15. I

    Newbie needing help

    I have been asked to choose a new pump, I am actually not very aware of what is out there. I currently use the AccuCheck insight which works for me but have been made aware by my diabetes nurse that there are others to choose from which may suit me better but I just dont know where to look or...
  16. T

    Hi! Newbie here.

    Hey people! :) My name is Cristiana and I'm 27 - I've been riding the rollercoaster of the 'betes now for 16 years. My fiancé told me to explore the world of forums because it's something i've never really participated in. Up until about two years ago I was very reserved about my diabetes and...
  17. K

    Omnipod vs. Roche Accu-chek Solo Pump

    Hi there! I'm due to start on the pump for the first time this year after nearly 17 years on MDI since my diagnosis at the age of 10. My control is reasonably good but is let down my bloods running higher than I'd like in the night as a security blanket due to constantly dropping in the night...
  18. D

    Pump Advice Sought for Closed Looping

    Hi di hi Campers I'm thinking of trying a closed loop system. My dsn told me i might get freestyle libre if i'd had sufficient hypos- what a world. Could anyone tell me of (tubeless preferably) pumps which work with the Freestyle Libre and a closed loop app? I understand not all pumos can...
  19. S

    Roche Insight Spare Consumables

    Ive recently changed from the Roche Insight Pump to the YpsoMed. Ive got about 3 months supply of consumables left from the Roche Pump. The boxes are still sealed. Does anyone know of any charities who could take these and use them? What does everyone else do with their left over consumables? I...
  20. Kayleighsamantha

    New to forums

    Hey everyone. I've been type 1 for nearly 10 years now. I've recently been looking into insulin pumps and thought the best people to talk to would be other diabetics for advice. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it! Thank you x