public health

  1. M

    World AIDS Day 2023

    1st December is World AIDS Day, and here's some useful links as HIV/AIDS does not discriminate (like diabetes) and the good news is that self-testing kits, safer sex contraception, sexual health screening, preventative prescription drugs like PrEP+PEP and anti-retroviral HIV drugs which can put...
  2. Northerner

    Government health plans criticised as ‘missed opportunity’

    Doctors and health experts claim government plans to boost public health are too weak to deal with problems such as obesity, smoking and alcohol misuse that are claiming tens of thousands of lives a year. The green paper on prevention of ill-health in England, which ministers slipped out...
  3. Northerner

    GPs condemn £85m public health cuts as 'national scandal'

    Government cuts have forced councils to reduce planned spending on public health services by £85m in 2017/18, a leading think tank has warned, in a move that threatens to drive up GP workload and strip vital services from practices. Analysis by the King's Fund, based on data from the Department...
  4. Northerner

    Public health cuts will lead to more sick people, report warns

    More people will become ill as a direct result of the government cutting spending on public health, which will put the NHS under further strain, a parliamentary report on Wednesday warns. Peers on a House of Lords select committee urged citizens to do more to demonstrate personal responsibility...