
  1. M

    7 week prescription wait

    Hi! I receive my prescriptions through Pharmacy2u. I requested online for insulin and hypo stop. Even though I had only received hypo stop 3 weeks before, I did state that I'm a Type one Diabetic who is currently pregnant and having a lot of hypo's. I have only just received my request which...
  2. K

    Anxious and panicking

    Hi I’m type 1 on a pump, 16 weeks pregnant and feeling really low. I have history of anxiety but worked really hard with the preconception team for 5 years to become healthy enough with a good hba1c. It happened relatively quickly since we started trying but since finding out I have been feeling...
  3. N

    6+4 crazy BGs

    Hi I'm new to the forum but am lying here in bed panicking. The last week I've been struggling to not go hypo and yet tonight I've woken up twice, once with a BG of 15 (which I corrected for, having no insulin in my system) and then about three hours later at 17! I've just corrected again and...
  4. J

    Reflections on a type 1 diabetic pregnancy

    As a type 1 diabetic I have found pregnancy exciting and nerve-wracking, in pretty much equal measure. What has surprised me most though, is just how little has been written about the experiences of type 1 diabetic pregnant women - what you might expect to see, and some of the tips and tricks...
  5. Brakersx

    Advice on pregnancy and diabetes !!!

    Hi ladies ... I am 32 weeks pregnant and a type one diabetic and have been since the age of 14 . My sugar levels have been well controlled all throughout my pregnancy ( first baby by the way ) I need abit of advice and I see all the time women being told they have bigger babies !!! On my 32...
  6. M

    High hba1c unplanned pregnancy

    Hi there, I've found out in three weeks pregnant with an hba1c of 97. This pregnancy was not planned and as you can see my control has been shocking. Meeting with diabetic nurse tomorrow. She asked GP to inform me this pregnancy was incredibly high risk prior to meeting her. Any advice...
  7. Nicola16

    Help with snacks..

    Hi all, I'm newly diagnosed with gestational diabetes but because I'm only 14+5 the doctor has said they think I had type 2 before too, although I've had no symptoms pre getting pregnant nor during so it has been a complete surprise. I'm on Novorapid before each main meal and Humulin before...
  8. C

    Type 1 pregnancy help & advice

    Hi all, We have just found out I am 4 weeks pregnant and I have been to my first antenatal clinic today. I feel really overwhelms and bombarded with things to focus on. Although I am very early on I can't seem to get my sugars down and am super conscious that they need to be. Just looking for...