
  1. matthewthomas

    possible t1d??

    hi all. my cousin who’s 18 months old has been showing some symptoms of type one diabetes. she’s under the care of a doctor rn, but i just wanted to see what y’all think. the doctor seems to think she has an overactive thyroid, but i’m almost 100% sure she has diabetes. i did my research on the...
  2. Cornelia49

    Prediabetic and confused!

    Hello! I've just been told I'm prediabetic, not been given my "numbers" and confused! I'm actually underweight - BMI of 17.5 and have always been a sugar addict! I'm switching to sucralose, have a problem with rice - my go to supper is risotto! ☺ and need to gain weight ,not lose it! Any advice...
  3. A

    Diabetic or at risk of developing diabetes?

    Do you control your blood sugar due to either; having diabetes or being at risk of developing diabetes? Or engage in other diabetes self management behaviours? For my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for people aged 18 and over who either; have or are at risk of developing diabetes to...
  4. Mitch13

    Prediabetes...right site for help?

    Hi all, I do hope I'm on the right site to get help from people in the know. 2016 had a sting in it's tail for me. One week before Christmas I was diagnosed with prediabetes. Having been annoyingly unwell for about four years, with my GP treating me like someone with a mental illness, this was...
  5. Running like a girl

    Hi, I've just been diagnosed with prediabtes last week. Struggling to get my head around it!

    Hi, I'm new on here and have been reading up on every scrap of information regarding prediabtes since I was diagnosed last week. I am a healthy weight and bmi, I run four times a week (training presently for London marathon) been running for over five years and belong to a swimming club and...