
  1. Ralph-YK

    Diabetic Nurse

    Had review today. Saw the diabetic nurse (practice nurse). It's all just pointless. Also, HbA1c: 58
  2. Ralph-YK

    Diabetes Review - positive

    Had review today. Supportive and positive. Yay. Been trying to tell them needed more from them. Then: "How much cake have you been eating?" o_O:rolleyes::oops: HbA1c, from February: 47. Up 1.
  3. Ralph-YK

    Different GP practice

    I've changed GP practice. Put the form in week ago last Friday. Got to see the diabetic nurse (practice nurse, had been Diabetic Specialist Nurse before) last Friday. I'm optimistic. Of course we didn't have time for everything. I think she'd have been less supportive of self testing. Except...