poor control

  1. F

    Hello, really struggling with control

    Hi, I really want to get better control of my blood sugars and would love some advice. I am type 1 diabetic and my Hba1c is at 72, I am trying to sort out an appointment with a diabetes team since I haven't heard anything since COVID started, so I thought I would come on here. I'm struggling...
  2. P

    HELP! for a frightened Type Two

    Hello All I was diagnosed type two in my lat 50's and am now 66 years old. My blood sugar is OTT as I write this I have just tested BG @ 23.3 mmol/l and this after 16g carb breakfast (Quaker Instant Porridge Oats). The problem is that due to some admin problem my last visit to my consultant...
  3. Kate Mc

    Diabulimia, I can't break this habit

    I'e been diagnosed for 25 years. I've been struggling for 25 years. I know what I'm supposed to do AND how to do it. I feel ashamed and anxious most of the time. I admit that I put my head in the sand and I'm rubbish with appintments. I use insulin, or rather I don't use insulin to help me...
  4. J

    Unable to lower blood sugars?

    jinty New Member Type of Diabetes: Type 1 Hi, am recently new to forum though not to diabetes type 1. 40 years last July. Anyway don't know if this is place for a question but been having constantly high sugars 25/30 for last 3 days. No ketone, no temp, infection nothing unusual. Sugars...
  5. B

    10 years and still struggling...

    I was diagnosed in 2006, through having ketoacidosis and nearly losing my life. 10 years later, at 19 years old I am struggling with T1D more than ever... I need help. I do every bedtime insulin, maybe 1 daytime insulin and NO BG tests...I don't even know where my machine is. Ask you can imagine...