
  1. A

    Research opportunity for Scottish members

    Hello, My name is Aimee Ferguson and I'm a PhD researcher at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. I'm interested in why NHS patients/the public, living in Scotland, do (or do not) use video consultations to speak to a pharmacist. This means you do not need to have experience of using video...
  2. F

    Can pharmacist change prescribed strips?

    hey! Does someone know if a pharmacist can change the strips prescribed to a lower fee one, or one that they have a meter ready for, for example? Thanks for help!
  3. KathyJay

    (Not so) New Pharmacist with the ‘betes...

    Hi everyone :) I’m Kathy and I’ve been T1 for 18yrs this year (hence the “Not so”). Looking forward to connecting with some other diabetics and HCPs with the condition. Hope to meet some of you here xx
  4. L

    Ordering supplements online.

    Had a blood test done because I was feeling quite tired, exhausted and getting chills, having difficulty regulating my body temperature. The results showed that I was not at optimal level for quite a few of the tests, ferritin, folate, B12, magnesium etc and I was advised to buy supplements to...
  5. L

    Is it LEGAL for pharmacy techs to recommend statins to patients over the phone?!

    (Loc: Los Angeles, CA, USA) The other day, I got a call from Ralphs pharmacy; the tech said his name is John and he recommended I start taking statins for the high cholesterol he doesn't even know I have! The call went something like this: "Hi, this is John from Ralphs pharmacy. I see you're...
  6. Northerner

    Pharmacy funding cuts 'could force closures'

    Pharmacies in England could face steep funding cuts within weeks that will force some to close, the industry's negotiating body has said. The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee told the BBC the Department of Health has drawn up proposals to cut funding by 12% from December. It said...
  7. Northerner

    Pharmacists to hand out emergency medication supplies without GP approval

    NHS 111 will be referring fewer patients to GP out-of-hours services and A&E, under new plans announced by the Department of Health. The DH said GPs were currently spending 'nearly 40% of their time advising patients on minor ailments’ but, starting from December, NHS 111 will send patients...
  8. Northerner

    Community pharmacies braced for cuts announcement

    As new government ministers begin their work, one decision that is being keenly awaited is the possible sign-off to budget cuts for High Street pharmacies in England. The Department of Health says the changes are an opportunity to bring pharmacists' skills closer to GP practices and care homes...
  9. Northerner

    Thousands of pharmacies in England 'at risk of closure'

    Thousands of local pharmacies in England are at risk of closure because of cuts by the Department of Health, a campaign group has said. Pharmacy Voice, which represents High Street chemists, says that without access to a community pharmacist one in four people would visit their busy local GP...