pain neuropathy

  1. H

    Pop in foot - Nerve damage?

    A couple of weeks ago I was playing football and I felt a pop in the ball of my foot. It was so severe I couldn't walk. I was told I had a fracture they gave me a moon boot. Next day fracture clinic say no fracture and wear boot for 3 days. The pain was and still is unreal. No real answers...
  2. Annabel_Barrow

    Experiencing pain or discomfort from diabetic neuropathy?

    My name is Annabel Barrow, and I am conducting research into painful peripheral neuropathy and the effect this may have on an individuals self identity and self perceptions. With your help, I hope to address an underrepresentation of individual experience in the current diabetic literature...
  3. C

    Does anyone on this forum suffer from Diabetic Amyotrophy?

    I have recently been diagnosed after going through almost a year of extreme pain and muscle wastage and weakness in both legs. I’m not using this forum as a complaining platform, but would be interested to hear from anybody else who has suffered this debilitating rare complication of diabetes.