
  1. christmas

    Rybelsus experiences

    Hi all, Have been prescribed Rybelsus 3mg to start next week. Have been on Gliclazide for the past few months and honestly wish I could stay on it, I've had no side effects and my blood sugar control has been good. I have been on Ozempic before for some months but I didn't tolerate it well -...
  2. M

    Study: ‘gamechanger’ diabetes drugs cost up to 400 times more than needed

    Drug companies urged to ‘release stranglehold’ on medicines such as Ozempic and Trulicity, as millions are priced out of treatment https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/mar/28/drug-companies-diabetes-drugs-medicines-ozempic-trulicity Global Development section of The Guardian...
  3. U

    Ozempic plateau

    I started 0.5 Ozempic on the 15th of January. After four days I lost 10lbs and since then my weight loss has stopped. The doctor said a plateau is normal. I have pcos and type two diabetes. I've been eating a lot less and sometimes even one meal a day. Has anyone on ozempic experienced this ?
  4. U

    Type 2 Diabetic & Ozempic

    I'm a type 2 diabetic with pcos and have begun taking Ozempic for weight loss whilst eating low carb. I have binge eating disorder and normally eat a lot of high carb food and chocolate as well I'm now just eating salads or an omelette. I'm really wanting to have something higher in carbs or a...
  5. C


    Afternoon, I’m just putting this out here, I’m wondering if anyone knows if there is a thread or posts about anyone being on Ozempic? I was diagnosed with T2 2 years this September. I managed to get my AC1 down to below 40 the first few months after diagnosis. As the months have went on I have...
  6. M


    Anyone having trouble geting ozempic? I went to collect my repeat prescription today to be told there are supplier issues and I may have to wait a few weeks. My issue is I need my next injection next Tues and am a bit concerned if I don't have any, what withdrawal symptoms I may get. I have...
  7. P


    Hi there thank you for having me on your forum I was wondering if anyone is having ozempic by injection and if the have any side effects thank you for your help