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    Can we have our cake and eat it? Welcome to the world of sugar elimination

    Our sugar problem could be solved by counteracting it after we’ve eaten it, as stomach ‘sponges’ and fibre-making enzymes head to market https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/feb/24/sugar-elimination-stomach-sponge-fibre-enzymes-monch-monch The Observer Society Section article written by Zoe...
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    NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme - Updated September 2023

    Apologies if this info already appears on the forum, but as newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes forum newbie, I am also posting to publicly thank and show gratitude to the amazing work done by Diabetes UK Northern Offices AKA "Our Friends In The North" who have immense knowledge, tips and sage...
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    Sweet and sour: how slavery, fake science and the love of profit got Britain hooked on sugar

    "Doctors have been warning of the health risks from sugar for almost 400 years. Here’s how we still ended up consuming so much of it..." - Author Pen Vogler...
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    Chromium Supplements to manage blood glucose and assist with weight management?

    Open question from newbie currently taking Metformin every day as prescribed by GP - what do people managing diabetes currently think about the supplement Chromium Picolinate which claims to lower blood glucose levels and curb cravings/suppress appetite similarly to Metformin? Has anyone here...