
  1. Elliwc

    Hi. New to Diabetes

    Hi I've been pre diabetic for some years but have flipped over with achieving arterial hypertension and lung problems. So lots of fatigue and breathlessness and unable to exercise. But drugs are starting to work so now to address the weight.. and get below the diabetic notch..
  2. W

    Eratic numbers

    HELLO, Ive rejoined after quite awhile being away. I need to refresh all that I previously learnt and to get myself updated with information, especially how the drugs I take are really necessary and how they interact with each other. I sometimes feel as if they are 'fighting' against each other...
  3. Northerner

    New osteoarthritis genes discovered

    In the largest study of its kind, nine novel genes for osteoarthritis have been discovered by scientists from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and their collaborators. Results of the study, published today (19 March) in Nature Genetics, could open the door to new targeted therapies for this...