online education

  1. B

    Online 2-day Type 1 education course

  2. Feathers

    Has anyone done these Open University courses? (relevant to diabetes)

    Curious to hear your opinion if you have. The science of nutrition and healthy eating (free) - this is a general nutrition course, not specifically for diabetes. I think I'm going to take it - it's free, so nothing lost, and am curious to see how I get on studying stuff like this. Improving...
  3. Sanne-UserLab

    Paid research opportunity for newly diagnosed. £30 incentive. 3 places left!

    Hello all. I’m a researcher working for UserLab, a user-research agency based in Newcastle. We are looking to speak to people who have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, for the design of a national online diabetes education programme. We’ve been talking to people over the past year...