omnipod pumping

  1. 1

    My experience getting a pump after 27 years MDI

    Hello, I’m new to posting on the forum and wanted to share my experience of getting a pump. TLDR: after 26 years as a T1 I got a pump without too much hassle. I mentioned wanting a pump to a nurse at my gp surgery (not my diabetic nurse) while having some bloods taken. I was complaining that...
  2. I

    Hello to everyone and can someone help me

    Hello guys, I am new here so i am still confused. I've been with T1 since i was 6 (15 years ago) and i recently started thinking about insulin pumps. I really like the Omnipod Dash system but i do not know how i can buy it, does NHS help with the cost, who can i ask for help and management of...
  3. T

    Omnipod Starter

    Hi everyone! I’ve been on pens since the age of I’m 27 and I’ve chosen to go onto a pump - specifically the omnipod. Change makes me really nervous and my anxiety flares up although I am very excited ! I wanted to see if anybody can give me any tips for starting on an omnipod ! How long...
  4. J

    Omnipod help please!

    Hi, I recently started on the omnipod pump (2 days ago) and today I have noticed it clicking periodically about every 2-3 minutes? Is this normal? I’m aware that it clicks every few seconds when delivering a bolus but I’m just not sure in this situation! I’m still very new to it so anything new...