
  1. M

    Having babies

    Hi, new guy here, so apologies if I am in the wrong section. I thought about the parenting section but that seemed to be more about parents with kids with diabetes. We haven't gotten that far yet. So I need some help, advice, words, that kind of thing.. My partner and I want to start having kids...
  2. T

    Hello! (and asking about night sweats)

    Hello folks! I've been diagnosed with type 2 for five years now, though probably had it for much longer. I'm in my mid 40s, and diagnosis came as a mixture of relief "Oh right, that explains..." and horror "OMG! I've got diabetes". I'm bringing the diabetes under control, steady weight loss...
  3. L

    Hypers and hypos.

    Needing some knowledge on these matters. Under a lot of stress here, so tend to rest during the daytime, on and off, and use the night time, quieter then, to make some progress in my life. Been feeling quite lethargic, exhausted really, for some time now, really slowing me down, thirsty...