night sweats

  1. D

    Night sweats and weight loss.

    My father developed T1D 8 years ago in his early 60s. Doctors never found what triggered it. For the past couple of years he's had worsening night sweats and weight loss. Doctors have been testing for cancers including lymphoma, but is this actually just poor diabetes management? He's always...
  2. B

    Bedding to cope with the damp bed, buying and trying. Your experiences and advices please.

    My type 2 has been changing lately and presented me with a new challenge after 40 years I have started night sweats. I am trying to change my bedding to cope with the damp bed, buying and trying different sheets, duvet & covers pillow cases in different materials is expensive and I am looking...
  3. T

    Hello! (and asking about night sweats)

    Hello folks! I've been diagnosed with type 2 for five years now, though probably had it for much longer. I'm in my mid 40s, and diagnosis came as a mixture of relief "Oh right, that explains..." and horror "OMG! I've got diabetes". I'm bringing the diabetes under control, steady weight loss...