• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

newly diagnosed

  1. F

    Hi - Just Diagnosed

    Following routine tests my reading is 52 - I was confusing this with 5.2 - I now realise there must be 2 different formulas! Having read about all the common (horrible) side effects associated with meds and, for more obvious reasons, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to avoid drugs when I...
  2. C

    Struggle to work out without sugar crash

    Hi all, I'm a 29 yr old newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, and although I feel like I'm starting to get better at controlling my blood sugar in normal life, I can't exercise without having a steep crash in my sugar level. I've seen some posts here by marathon runners, not even needing to eat...
  3. sbeqs

    Very New Newbie - Found Out This Morning.

    Hi. Very newly diagnosed.... I’m assuming it’s type 2. I was too shaken to ask and my GP didn’t say. I’ve been pre-diabetic for about 5 years but this morning my GP told me I’m diabetic and prescribed Metformin. I’ve got a nurse appointment in 2 weeks but right now I’m just... numb and yet...
  4. Kate8890

    Diagnosed and in denial - new year, new me?

    Hi everyone, I was diagnosed in April 2015. After struggling to come to terms with the diagnosis for years and seeking treatment for anxiety and depression last year (most probably a result of my t2 diagnosis) I am trying to take control of the condition, instead of letting it control me. I...
  5. V

    New, T2, not really sure who to trust!!!

    Hi. Sorry for that dramatic title. I'm 38, just been diagnosed with T2 a couple of weeks ago. So far the main impact of it has been anxiety rather than any diabetes-related symptoms. This is probably in part because I immediately changed my diet and gave up cigs and caffeine drinks when I...
  6. Diabetes UK

    We're doing research to improve our Information Guides

    Could you help us shape Diabetes UK’s printed health guides of the future? We’re looking for people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes to participate in some research. You will need to have ordered one of our guides yourself, or have received them from a healthcare professional or volunteer, in...
  7. R

    Hello and please help from an anxious newly diagnosed :)

    Hi all. My name is Rachel and I've not long turned 49. On Friday of last week after months and months of me saying how unwell I felt I was finally diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I've been started on metformin 500mg with breakfast for a week, then 500mg breakfast and dinner the following...
  8. L

    Diagnosed T2 - But 14 yrs on a Low Carb diet

    Hi I'm a newbie I went to the Drs as I had symptoms of Gall bladder/pancreas problems [still waiting on a scan] which have been exacerbated by work related stress [overwork] also it's just been the 20 yr anniversary of mums death from pancreatic cancer. So stress overload and had a BP of 175...
  9. C

    Very recently diagnosed with T1D? Can you help Cambridge Research

    There is a clinical research study going on at The University of Cambridge where we require the assistance of those aged between 18-40 diagnosed with type 1 very recently. If you are interested to help us please call or email the study team on 01223 762327 or email CamT1D@medschl.cam.ac.uk It...
  10. EleanorDip95

    Recently diagnosed type one needing answers please!

    Hello, Apologies for long winded post. I was diagnosed as a type one diabetic on the 31/1/17. Started on Novorapid 7 units at mealtimes and 22 units Lantus background at night (2100hrs). Diagnosed as "diabetic" November 2016 but due to nurse doing wrong blood test I didn't find out my...
  11. L

    Consistently high blood glucose but low ketones?

    Hi everyone, I already posted a bit about this on the newbies forum, but I thought I'd make a specific thread as I have more questions. I have just been diagnosed with diabetes (type 1 LADA) and have been getting consistently high blood glucose levels - my personal record is now 27.5 as of...
  12. Sigourney Smith

    Ice cream and treats?

    So basically I'm a bit confused. What's the deal when it comes to ice cream? Do I seek out a 'diabetic ice cream' or do I go for a small amount of standard vanilla ice cream or am I worrying too much? I enjoy my sweet treats now and then, so am learning about what the best things are to go for...
  13. L

    19 and newly diagnosed type 1

    hi everyone! Im 19 was just diagnosed after going into diabetic ketoacidosis on the 4th of February. I'm pretty sad and scared, mainly because before my diagnoses one of my biggest fears was dying in my sleep and now it's a possibility I feel very weighed down a lot of the time. I was wondering...
  14. L

    Student Nurse looking for help!

    Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully help! For one of my classes this semester we chose a health condition and a target group to create a presentation/information for. Diabetes is a condition close to me (my partner and mum both suffering different types). As a result in acutely...
  15. T

    Newly diagnosed type2 diet help please❤️

    My husband is newly diagnosed type2 I think he has misinterpreted the dietary advice by our practise nurse. He won't eat any fruit or veg it bread, rice or pasta ( even whole meal) he's living off chicken and nuts. I feel it's not healthy or sustainable I understand he wants to lose weight and...
  16. Kirsty R

    Our 5 year old son recently diagnosed type 1

    Hi, we are very new to the forum, site and diabetes! We took our son to the GP last Tuesday after we had noticed he had been drinking much more than normal and he had started bed wetting, which was completely out of character for him. Glucose and ketones were found in his sample and we were sent...