
  1. E

    New to Diabetes, New to the Forum

    I only found out that I have diabetes last month, and I am trying to learn and adjust to my new life with it. As it was undiagnosed for quite a while I have to undergo a lot of investigations into all sorts of related problems that are catching up with my body.
  2. tas


    hello i am new to here and been diagnosed with type 2 around 3 weeks ago now and just trying to get my head around everything and hope the site will help and make new friends along the way too , thanks for reading hope your having a great day
  3. Andy young

    New type 1 diabetic , diagnosed 6 days ago...#Newstruggles#Newlife

    Hi my name is Andy , I'm 22 and I've recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes after they found my levels were 33.9 . Only known for the past 6 days so the specialists are working on balancing my insulin. I'm on novarapid and levemir as it stands I'm on 5 injections a day but my levels have...