newcastle diet

  1. M these forums anyway

    Hello all, my handle here is mhtyler, but my name is mark. I'm here because I'm a type 2 diabetic for about 7.5 years and I'm a 69 year old male. I'm also in this particular place because even though I'm American I've found that the UK seems to be ahead of the curve on Type 2 Diabetes. I'm in...
  2. ColinUK


    So Exante have ceased trading. I’ve ordered a sample pack from Shake that Weight and will let you know what I think of them.
  3. K

    Have you ever tried an intensive dietary intervention for Type 2 Diabetes? Help wanted

    Have you ever attempted intensive dietary changes for your type 2 diabetes? E.g. low-carbohydrate, low-energy, Mediterranean diet, or bariatric surgery What was your experience? Let us know below: Hello, My name is Kate Brown, I am studying a MSc Global...
  4. F

    Newcastle Diet Break Advice Please

    Hi all, I'm hoping someone can give me advice on coming partially coming off Newcastle for a day or so without ruining the good work. I've been on Newcastle for a week now using a combination of Keediet meals and asda shakes. I've lost 6kg in my first week and for now am feeling comfortable...
  5. C

    Newcastle Diet diary (to keep me doing it!)

    week one: Procrastination and Habits Such a simple notion but hard to keep on a straight line. Professor Taylor's kind and empathic book dedicates its first half to a fairly in depth explanation of the body's processes. I tried to summarise it in my head in ways that would help inspire me. My...
  6. KayAnne

    Newcastle/VLCD Advice Please

    Hello, I'm still unsure about using forums so please bare with me if I waffle unnecessarily! I began following the 'Newcastle Diet' on my own (it's not offered in my area on the NHS) on the 3rd January. I have so far been doing well and not feeling hungry, losing 15lbs in my first 4 works...
  7. N

    My Newcastle Diet Thread

    Hi there, I’m very overweight at 155kg and have been eating poorly for a long time and am at risk of diabetes so am starting off a new strategy by doing the ND with 3xOptifast a day and a load of microwaved frozen veg in the evening (cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, peas, cabbage) with a hint of...
  8. A


    Hi, I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes in 2011 and luckily have stayed well since. However, recently my blood sugar levels have been less stable and I’m very keen to take myself in hand, so to speak, and get things under control again. I’m aiming to start the Newcastle diet and hope my gp will...
  9. Jock Coats

    Dawn phenomon - first thing to go?

    I kind of hesitate to put this in the "weight loss" board because to me the Newcastle/8-wee blood sugar diet is not about *absolute* weight loss as it is about specifically getting rid of fat in the liver and pancreas to stimulate insulin tolerance and production, but I've been doing it was...
  10. Northerner

    Skinny people get type 2 diabetes too

    When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes four years ago I was stunned. I’d gone for a check-up, and a routine blood test said it all: diabetes. But it made no sense. As a healthy 59-year-old, who went running, played regular cricket, drank moderately (2 units a week) and only weighed 10st...