newbie asking for advice

  1. S

    Newbie Prediabetic

    Hello everyone, New to here and a little nervous sharing about myself. Iam 45, male of Pakistani heritage. Recently, got the update about me being pre-diabetic from my GP. Hoping for others here to share some advice and tips to manage this condition and hopefully prevent Type 2.
  2. JasMBird

    What are the medications available to treat diabetes type 2

    Hi, wanted to introduce myself and say hello Jason here. I’ve had type 2 diabetes since 2015 and for a long time it was well controlled. Then the pandemic hit and things have got hey wire since. im hoping to get some support and update my knowledge regarding medications available to help...
  3. SineadC85

    Hello and help please?

    Hi all, hope everyone is keeping as well as can be. I'm struggling to make sense of something and hoping someone here can help. I tried booking in a routine eye test a couple of days ago and after being asked if I'm diabetic they asked if my blood sugar levels are stable. I said probably not (I...
  4. T

    Hello and a little help please

    Hi, My name is Lucy, I'm 35. I was diagnosed with T2 about a month ago after being on metformin for IR linked to PCOS since I was 19 and then I had GDM with all 3 of my pregnancies which needed ridiculous amounts of insulin to control. The Endo Dr told me after my 3rd baby that my pancreas...
  5. A

    Family member struggling - how can I help them?

    My dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes little over 6 weeks ago. He lives alone and is in his mid 50's. He already struggles with heart problems & sleep apnea so everything is taking a real toll on him lately. He isn't working due to stress & he's in the process of selling his other house to...
  6. M

    Totally confused - help!

    I’m 49 yr old female bmi 40+. My mother is an insulin dependant diabetic. I had gestational diabetes in my last 3 pregnancies (as did my mother) and after feeling ‘off’ for the last year I requested bloods (previous practice used to do it annually.). So today I was on the phone to the doctor as...
  7. B

    Hi Everyone - New to the Forum and Diabetes Control

    Hi Everyone one I am 29 and was diagnosed with T1D when I was 24. I will be honest I have not had it easy as I when I was diagnosed it took my surgery 6 months to tell me I was Diabetic i lost 7 stone in weight and was admitted to hospital with BG at 66.2 and extremely high Blood Ketones. I have...
  8. betheaton

    Newly diagnosed type 1

    Newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic here! Had to deal with the diagnosis alone due to coronavirus and have been in hospital since Friday morning due to having DKA. Been discharged and feeling pretty apprehensive about managing life outside of hospital. Has anyone got any useful advice or hacks which...
  9. L


    Hi everyone, diagnosed as pre-diabetic, lost some weight but really struggling. Dont know if its regarding medication I am taking? Last night i was reading a post about buying a machine to test BG levels, thinking of doing this tomorrow and following the guidance given about testing and writing...
  10. B

    Advice needed

    Hi Had been pre diabetic for some years, was generally careful with no increase until about end August when blood sugar was 51 and 1st diabetic appointment early October. Was put on Glucophage to start starting one a day progressing to 2 twice a day. GP switched to Sukkarto in November...