
  1. Autumn_Leaf94

    Newbie :)

    Hello i am 28years old and I have been recently diagnosed pre diabetic and I have started the healthier you, 9 month programme in my area to start making changes to my life style i also have family history of type 2, Would like to make friends and support people who is going through the same...
  2. Mum2Type1D

    Hello from South Yorkshire

    Hi, just thought I’d come and say hi. My 9yr old daughter was diagnosed on 11th January this year… Type 1 diabetes came as such a shock. She is also Autistic & has a tic disorder. We are currently on a huge learning curve, trying to get ourselves into a good routine with all the injections &...
  3. M

    New and terrified

    Hi, Ive never joined a forum or anything like that before but seeing as i am now t2 diabetic and dont know anyone else who is, the support from a forum i think will really help. I was diagnosed two days ago via a phone from drs and then sent some links- im a worrier at the best of times and...
  4. S


    Hello, I am new to this forum so I wanted to say hi and let you know a bit about me. I have been a type 1 diabetic for over 25 years. I was diagnosed at the age of 7. I have never had an HBA1C under what is now 9.0. I really struggle to keep sugars down. I used to play sport as a career and...
  5. V

    Diabetes is scary

    Hi, I'm Amanda is newly diagnosed as diabetic. Not really had any advice from my Dr or nurse. Just tablets to manage my blood sugar. It was 100 then 85, maybe it'll get lower still. I said to my Dr I'm stuffed then, diabetes is in the family, I have under active thyroid and severe obstructive...
  6. B

    T1 - Day #4 newbie - so many questions...

    Hello All, Diagnosed type 1 end of last week. Still getting my head around it all to be honest. Scared to eat, scared when I don't... numbers all over the place, acronym hell, and that was just the first day!! I'm glad I'm not alone (but I'm sorry you're here!). Please excuse the stupid...
  7. Currybum

    Yo yo here we go. Type 2 Need to improve

    Hi all, 54 years old male. Was prediabetic, but mmol crept up from 43 to 47 then 51. Weight down from 15st to 14,3. Do 10k steps most days. Need to book blood sugar test but delayed as I know NHS rather busy. I have cut out sugar, only drink at the weekend now. Switched to brown everything...