
  1. F

    Tired of finger pricking

    I thought I could get used to having to prick my finger (several times a day) to measure my glucose levels but this is honestly very frustrating. I hate the feeling and it makes me feel so helpless. I started researching some ways for measuring my glucose levels without a finger prick. For me...
  2. S

    Newbie's Needle issues plus....

    Hi, Been Type 1 for over 40 years, my great 21st B'day pressie from the gods above (OH thank you) :rolleyes:. I'm pretty much under control, have been most of my life, even with all the sex,drugs & rock'n'roll in my younger days, best thing that ever happened to me was the Actrapid insulin...
  3. N

    Omnipod insertion pain rating

    Hi I'm a 38 year old type 1 Diabetic whose terrified of needles. I rarely give myself injections and as such my control is poor. I was on the amazing inhaled insulin for 8 years which was a lifesaver for me. Thanks to poor promotion by NhS, diabetes UK and Diabetic care teams in general they...