need advice

  1. S

    Liraglutide Shortage

    Hello All, It has been a while since I posted but I am at a complete loss with the current situation I am now in. I was informed recently that there is a liraglutide shortage and the doctor contacted me to discuss a review of my medication. Unfortunately a mixture of liraglutide and pioglitazone...
  2. R

    Sudden change in blood sugars

    Hi all. I’ve had type one diabetes for almost 3 years and apart from the two times I’ve had covid plus little off days, my blood sugars are pretty good. Until recently I could have a normal dinner with a small dessert and 5 units of novo would be enough. Now I can barely have my dinner without...
  3. M

    Leaving myself stressed.

    Hi, Currently working with the dietician for the last 7 weeks to get my weight down I’ve went from 105.6kg to 97.3 long way to go yet but getting somewhere! (Using counterweight plus.) anyways.. during the last 2/3 weeks I’ve felt absolutely terrible- tired, fast heart rate, mood swings and...
  4. S

    Bedtime insulin

    Hi im a newbie to the site ive been diabetic 21 years I take levimre and noverapid 6 weeks ago my nurse changed my bedtime insulin from levimere to tresiba i feel terrible on it my bloods can be in range average 6 before i go to bed then at 3 in the morning i wake up randomly drinking loads and...
  5. V

    Best way to get a flat stomach

    I am in urgent need of diabetic advice as I exercise 3 hours a day and do 20-30 minutes cardio, by running on a cross training machine, and also walking 2 miles to my gym and back and walking my dog first thing in the morning and in evening; I do plenty of muscle exercises as well especially ab...
  6. AllanJT

    Daughter struggling with newly diagnosed type 1

    My eldest daughter was diagnosed with type 1 earlier this year (January). She is twenty years old this year. Initially she seemed to handle the diagnosis well, taking a pragmatic approach to it. My ex wife, her new partner and me went to the initial meeting with consultant and diabetic nurse...