morning highs

  1. B

    Latnus - your experience ?

    Hello, Several years into being type 1 I'm curious to understand other peoples experience with Latnus. More specifically I'm keen to know whether you split your injections (I currently do) but also how you weight your injection. For example do you have 6 in the morning and 12 at night? As...
  2. T

    Recently diagnosed T2

    Hi I have been recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes. At the end of February, I experienced blurred vision, alongside being constantly thirsty and having to get up several times a night to pee, so I contacted my GP to request a test for diabetes. My HbA1c came as 85, and I was given an appointment...
  3. K

    Blood sugar spikes in the morning, hypos by lunch time. T1

    Hi all, I know this is not something I'm alone in experiencing, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Background, I have had T1 diabetes for four years in August. Recently I've been doing a lot more exercise so my carb counting ratios have changed, I'm currently trying to work out what my new ratios...
  4. L

    Morning High's

    Hi All, Last few morning's my sugars have been over 10 in the morning, my pre-bed readings were lower. Took some slight novorapid to bring them down to average and have increased my basal from 12 to 14 before bed (Levemir). I am still getting high's. Usual day readings are fine. Any ideas?
  5. J

    Randomly high blood sugars - please help!

    Recently whilst at University I have begun to wake up with blood glucose levels above 20. Normal correction doses appear to do nothing and I maintain blood sugars above 20 throughout the day. Normally my diabetes is very well controlled with only the odd explainable hypo. Does any one know what...