
  1. wik1a

    *SURVEY CLOSED* Predictors of psychological functioning among adults with Type 1 Diabetes

    Many thanks to everyone who helped me! Survey is closed and I can start the next step - statistics ;) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello! :) My name is Wiktoria and I am a second-year master’s degree student in psychology at...
  2. S

    Survey- How has diabetes affected your mood and eating habits?

    Hi everyone! I hope you are well. I am a final year pharmacy student conducting research on the impact of diabetes on mood and eating habits. If you have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are over the age of 18, i would greatly appreciate if you could fill out my survey below. Every...
  3. T

    Sorry if this is really bleak, but feeling like i've hit a wall

    Think i’ve hit a bit of a brick wall. Things are going reasonably well. From diagnosis of 96 back in Oct last year i’ve got my last Hba1c to 43. I’m on diet/exercise only and sticking to a moderately low carb diet, lots of exercise, a great deal of weight lost. I was on Gliclazide on diagnosis...
  4. T

    Mood swings

    Hello, My husband has type I since childhood, he's in his early forties now. We have been together for 6 years and have a gorgeous two year old. Increasingly, my partner's mood swings are more noticeable. Particularly when his sugar is a bit high (between 9 and 15) he can become rude and with a...