
  1. G

    What is the general opinion regarding CGMs, BG Meters and any which way comparisons?

    A search of DUK and this Forum in particular did not reveal what I am looking for, i.e., thoughts/comparisons between BG Meters and GSMs, and comparisons between different makes of GSMs. If you know differently please inform me. I admit that about 10-12 years ago, and AFAIK not suffering from...
  2. ColinUK

    Apps - what’s your fav for logging results and monitoring?

    I make no apology for being an information sponge right now! Another question is about apps. I already use the Apple health app to record stats so I’ve update it to record BG levels too but the question is more about the specific BG apps like: Glucose Buddy One Drop and the others. Is there...
  3. B

    Hello and some questions

    Hello all, 4 weeks ago I was diagnosed with type 2, blood test was 7.2, whatever that means as I've not yet had much explained. I was started on 500 metformin once a day and I've been on sale self imposed strict weight loss regime as I'm overweight. I use a calorie counter app and bulk out my...
  4. Ralph-YK

    Flash glucose monitoring, Radio 4 Inside Health

    BBC Radio 4 Inside Health, tonight (Tuesday) at 9pm. Listing says they are talking new sensing device for T1. "First urine testing then finger pricking and now high-tech scanning. The monitoring of glucose levels is undergoing a revolution for patients with Type 1 Diabetes. Dr Margaret McCartney...
  5. tomcamish

    BG Tracking

    Hi Everyone. Just wondering what people recommend for keeping track of BG levels? My monitor only has "before meal", "after meal" and "other" as options to flag the readings, and my nurse wants me to be able to mark which is before b'fast, before lunch, before dinner and before sleep. I've...
  6. @Fractis

    Type 2 & CGM (Continuous Gloucose Monitoring)

    Hi guys, Can I ask if there are any people with T2 who either use CGM or would be interested in doing so? Happy to have a more detailed discussion about this, but before this can I get a quick show of hands? Thanks, Bob
  7. Brakersx

    Advice on pregnancy and diabetes !!!

    Hi ladies ... I am 32 weeks pregnant and a type one diabetic and have been since the age of 14 . My sugar levels have been well controlled all throughout my pregnancy ( first baby by the way ) I need abit of advice and I see all the time women being told they have bigger babies !!! On my 32...
  8. L

    Hypers and hypos.

    Needing some knowledge on these matters. Under a lot of stress here, so tend to rest during the daytime, on and off, and use the night time, quieter then, to make some progress in my life. Been feeling quite lethargic, exhausted really, for some time now, really slowing me down, thirsty...
  9. L

    Hi. Just to say hello, there!

    just realising that my type 2 diabetes diagnosis is something I need to have some solid facts on. This condition. Lots of stress factors in my life that makes daily 'taking care of myself' difficult. Thought I'd join this forum for some support and to gain some knowledge on this subject, to...
  10. Ralph-YK

    non invasive monitoring

    Not here yet. Just been to an interesting talk from the Dr working on non invasive monitoring of glucose levels. He says it's coming in a matter of years.