medtronic 640g

  1. chisterette

    Medtronic 640g Insulin Flow Alert

    Really hoping someone can shed some light on this for me... Saturday morning I planned to change my site for the first time since inserting in the hopital on wednesday afternoon (new pump user!). Everything seemed to go smoothly, I had the medtronic instructions out just in case I forgot a step...
  2. chisterette

    New to here, not to Diabetes!

    Hi, I've had T1 diabetes for 6 years now and have never really engaged with the diabetes community. I don't know anyone else that is diabetic nor have been to any groups or really met anyone to chat to so thought this forum might bring me out of my isolation! I've recently been put on the...
  3. J

    Omnipod or Medtronic 640G?

    I’ve been given the choice between the omnipod pump and the Medtronic 640G pump and I am struggling to decide on which one. My diabetes nurse gave me a demo kit for the omnipod which I’ve stuck on my abdomen (I’ve had it on about 15 minutes) it’s giving me no issues so far but I haven’t really...
  4. R

    Combo vs Medtronic. Have I missed anything?

    my second pump is almost due for replacement and for the first time I am being offered a choice. I have up to now used Accuchek: first the Spirit followed by the Combo. Now I have the choice of the Medtronic 640g. I’ve read all the bumpf and seen the pump itself and so far am not persuaded...