medical supplies

  1. longchampdemimi

    Long-term travel (looking for advice from fellow diabetics with travel experience)

    Hey everyone! I'm a recent graduate who has had diabetes for a long time. I'm very active and love to travel and climb mountains. I'd say I'm fairly experienced at travelling with my diabetes for shorter periods. In the past, I've quite easily been able to keep myself healthy in areas of the...
  2. V

    Cost of Looping Consumables? (Pump and Sensor)

    I would like to use this looping setup: Tandem t:slim insulin pump Dexcom G6 sensors How can I find out the cost of consumables? G6 sensors t:lock cartridges VariSoft infusion sets A bit of background: I live in the US, and plan to move to London early next year. I currently use an old...
  3. D

    Unused pump supplies

    Hello all - first time here. Quick query, I am soon to upgrade my insulin pump. As a result of this I have several boxes of Soft Release infusion sets and syringes for use with Dana RS pump, in date and sealed. Could anyone use these? Happy to donate as feel horrible throwing them away. I...
  4. Nikita Listopad-Podobeds

    Set up in London with diabetes Type 1

    Hello, everyone! Writing to you to get your support to solve my situation. I moved to London from Latvia at the end of August this year (2020), as I entered the university to become a film maker. I am 23 years old and, since 2007, I got a Diabetes mellitus typus I (1 Type), Miopia I...