
  1. W

    HBA1C down from 91 to 35 in a year (Type 2)

    Hello I am new to this forum under my new user name (I had an account before but realised too late that I could not change my user name so I have asked for that account to be deleted) In November last year I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes at the age of 60 (my mum,maternal aunties and uncles...
  2. Northerner

    Low-carb diet fights diabetes

    Diabetes is ravaging New Mexico. Twelve percent of residents suffer from the condition – up from less than 5 percent in 1990. It was the sixth-leading cause of death last year. Federal guidelines and common conceptions about a “healthy diet” are partly to blame for these statistics. For years...
  3. R

    Why are supermarkets ignoring diabetes?

    Hi all, I don't have diabetes, but I follow a low-carb diet for health reasons and because I love to eat this way. I have recently fallen in love with a man with diabetes type 1 and it's fantastic to enjoy the same foods which work for both of us. I love to cook and cooking for someone you love...
  4. Terry O'Rourke

    New to forum, low-carber with 33 years T1D

    I've been lurking on this forum for years. I'm an American and I like reading how a different culture deals with diabetes. I found it intriguing how forum members here influenced the low carb way of eating position of Diabetes UK. I feel you are years ahead of the social/policy positions of...
  5. W


    Hi Everyone, My husband has Type 1 Diabetes. He is 31 and was only diagnosed about 2 years ago. He is doing incredibly well and has adapted amazingly :) I usually make my own mince pies and would really like to make some low-carb versions. The last couple of years I've made some with no lid...
  6. Northerner

    Why Your Doctor May Question a Low Carb Diet (US)

    I am a retired physician who graduated from Emory University School of Medicine in 1986. A vast majority of physicians I’ve encountered during my career have the patient’s best interest in mind and want to improve their health. So if you learn about the benefits of a low carbohydrate lifestyle...