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low carb

  1. DuncTheGeek

    Diabetic diet plus heart attack!

    Hi folks. I’ve had a bit of a week of it! Prior to this week, I’d lowered my a1C from 72 back in August to 52 a couple of weeks ago through diet & exercise(lost nearly 2st). I was doing 6-7 miles a day walking. Then last week I had a heart attack I’m back home now with a stent and a shed...
  2. aaronjunited

    Switched to low carb! Not sure what is happening.

    So I moved to a lower carb diet since last week and I can't get my blood sugars to come down to range during the day at all. They only come down during the night then spike back up when I wake up and continue going up all day and night no matter what I eat or take for bolus. I have mostly...
  3. Lovinglife

    I've made a video on my journey to long term remission with type 2 and want to share to help others

    I made this video sharing how I put my type 2 into reverse and lost 50lbs in weight too. A definite side effect of lowering my carb intake. All carbs turn to sugar and diabetics are basically sugar intollerent. The less sugar the better. 45 minutes and 79 slides showing my journey which I...
  4. ColinUK


    Found these in Sainsburys I think.... individual packs not this huge bag.... And they're delicious! And ZERO CARB I've tried others and found them horrendous but these are mild and have the feel of wotsits on the tongue. Wholeheartedly recommend...
  5. Lovinglife

    How i reversed my type 2 diabetes

    I recently put together a short (13 minute) video of my journey with type 2 diabetes, which I was diagnosed with in December 2017. I am, and have been for 3 years, officially in remission. It was for an event I was invited to speak at, Australia Low Carb All Stars. I have had a lot of positive...
  6. I

    Dr David Unwin published in BMJ

    Dr David Unwin's longer term results from his General Practice published in the BMJ (Link to actual article opens a .PDF - which I didn't notice at first).
  7. ColinUK

    Hazelnut parfait (like an ice cream)

    Stumbled upon this recipe on the old interweb and it'd be really simple to make low-carb or even keto just by switching out the sugar for erythritol. And it reads like it'd be delicious... so I thought I'd share :) Hazelnut parfait A quick and easy parfait with a delicate nutty flavour. The...
  8. I

    Are You smarter than a doctor?

    What really matters is ; Are you smarter (or just better informed) than your doctor? Dr Paul Mason's video covers all the major Low Carb and Keto related myths - T2D, CVD, Bone Density, Cancer, Dementia, Obesity, Insulin, inflammation Fructose, Carbs, Seed Oils, Omega 6 Oils, Salt, HDL, LDL...
  9. ColinUK

    Salted Miso Brownies

    This looks like it’d be relatively simple to make low carb. Switch out the flour for almond or sunflower seed flour, the sugar for golden serve or monkfruit maybe and you may well have an uncle called Robert. It’s a Meera Soda recipe.
  10. I

    T2D Patient experience - Low Carb

    3 T2D patients talk about their experience of LCHF.
  11. A

    1 minute coconut bread

  12. ColinUK

    Allen Carr: Bad Sugar/Good Sugar - Tom Watson: Downsizing - Pioppi Diet

    So I’m working my way through all of these books right now to get a better handle on the low carb Mediterranean diet and to kick my sugar addiction. I’ve also got Annie Grace’s 30 Day Alcohol Experiment as the same principles about sugars apply to alcohol and I’m a sucker for a bit of delving...
  13. R

    Pre D and T2 reversal Success Stories

    I think we all need a motivation boost every now and then to help us either reverse or manage our diabetes situations. I’ll go first. Years of being 2.5 stone overweight, beers, ate poorly, sitting down too much, no exercise. In August was told Hb1..was 44 and pre diabetes. Shock! Results...
  14. I

    Meta Analysis of Low Carb Dietary Approach to T2D

    I just came across this video of a presentation at this year's Low Carb Down Under. I feel it is very significant, of course we will have to see if it is accepted by the traditional elements, or not. Jessica Turton - 'An evidence-based approach to developing low carb diets for type 2 diabetes':
  15. M

    Low blood sugar

    hi i’d love to lower my carb intake but my blood sugar dips at meal times and I feel I need carbs to keep going. If I go an hour beyond my usual meal time I can feel really ill. Shaky , sweating and faint. I’m not on any medication as after dieting and loosing several stone I’ve kicked it into...
  16. Talbothays Tess

    1000 calories a day from Michael Moseley book - new to dieting

    Hi, having been diagnosed with pre diabetes I have been religiously sticking to ( sometimes even less than) 1000 calories a day ( and low carbs). I have never dieted before and this is all new to me. I also run three times a week and have tried to dance around the living room a lot ! I have only...
  17. Martin9

    Barenaked foods...

    hi all just wanted to let you all know of a new product line called as above, they are a line of noodles, rice and spaghetti which are really low carbs etc.. I’ve had the noodles tonight and very good....these originally featured on Dragons Den https://www.barenakedfoods.co.uk/
  18. Tillagirl

    Not so new newbie....

    Hello all, this is my first week on this site. I was diagnosed ten years ago with Type 2 and promptly put my head in the sand, telling the doc I would lose weight and sort it. So here we are. I have lost weight (but not enough) and my blood sugar rose to the giddy heights of 20.2 in the morning...
  19. Tillagirl

    Hello and help!

    Hi I was diagnosed as Type 2 over ten years ago and then promptly dismissed it (I know, I know) ...funnily enough it didn't go away. I had tried to manage it 'by diet' this was utter rubbish. I would go low carb for a while and then plunge face down into a tub of Haagen Daas when I was fed up. I...
  20. Martin9

    Burgen Soya & Linseed Vs Hovis Nimble Wholemeal ..

    I always hear everyone talking about the Burgen loaf as being the goto bread , I would wish to introduce a new loaf slightly lower in carbs and lower in kcals, and it's nowhere near as expensive, it's the the Hovis Nimble Wholemeal and I would say the hovis is a slightly bigger peice of...